Every Star Wars fan wants to carry a lightsaber and set out to bring Peace and Justice to the galaxy. Every fan wants to cut down the droids as Luke Skywalker did in the Mandalorian finale. But, lightsaber combats are a lot more complex than they appear. The knowledge of lightsabers has taken centuries to reach its perfect form. Now Jedis use 7 lightsaber combat forms.

Well done! It is also applicable in our galaxy to use these lightsaber forms. Would you like to learn how to use a lightsaber in combat? Or what is the basis for these lightsaber forms? You must become proficient in all seven lightsaber combat forms.

These forms are modeled on the Japanese swordsmanship method known as Kendo, although the lightsaber fighting skills are more sophisticated. Jedis are also the finest at improvising lightsaber form combinations during battles.

Today, let’s cover lightsaber combat form I, Shii-Cho, and then move on to others sequence-wise. We will also discuss how to practice lightsaber combat with different Shii-Cho stances.

First Lightsaber Combat Form Shii-Cho

The first lightsaber combat form is also known as Shii-Cho, or the way of the Sarlacc. It also goes with the name of the Determination form. It is the first combat form that inspires the Jedis to dive deep into knowledge and invent new lightsaber combat forms. Shii-Cho appeared for the first time in ancient times, right after the invention of lightsabers. Before lightsabers, people used swords. So, these primitive fighting techniques heavily influenced Shii-Cho. Shii-Cho included basic lightsaber techniques. The practitioners used to go wild with a series of random blows against their opponent. The power of this form was hidden in its core belief of determination. The purpose was to overwhelmingly attack your opponent without thinking about any offense or defense. You just jump on your opponent with your lightsaber and do not stop until you finish him off. It was not a perfect form and had many errors that needed fixing compared to other forms. Still, these basic lightsaber techniques worked out fine against primitive sword users. Lightsabers could easily cut down metal swords of enemies. This invention helped Jedis to make an impact in the galaxy. They managed to dominate Sith lords and brought Order to the galaxy.

Why is Shii-Cho called Way of the Sarlacc?

Who is Sarlacc? Remember the creature Boba Fett came out from in “Book of Boba Fett.” Yes! That creature is called Sarlacc. It is an octopus-like creature with many tentacles. The only difference is that it is much bigger and lives on the sands of Tatooine. There is a good reason why combat form I is named after Sarlacc. If you go near the Sarlacc, it will surprise you with its tentacles. These tentacles will attack you from all angles in an unpredictable fashion. The same behavior exists in Shii-Cho. Jedi Order named this form the way of the Sarlacc because of its tentacles’ movements. All the moves have unpredictable lightsaber form combinations.

Limitations Of Shii-Cho

Shii-Cho is the least practiced lightsaber combat form among Jedi Order or Sith Lords. The reason is its unorganized and basic lightsaber techniques. It turned out great against metal swords, but it didn’t take the enemy long enough to appear with lightsabers.  After some time of the success of Shii-Cho, more Sith lords and Dark Jedi began to appear in the galaxy. These Force-users were once part of the Jedi Order but turned to the Dark Side. They wielded their lightsabers and knew how to fight with a lightsaber. They became a threat to the Jedi Order. Even Jedi could not easily beat them because they also had the power of the Dark Side. The easy wins started to become a fight for survival for Jedis. Secondly, it was an unorganized form and needed a lightsaber to form combinations. The user had to forget about its defense which was a big weakness. Senselessly attacking meant you were giving openings to your opponent. Sith lords were good at spotting those openings. So, Jedis began to doubt Shii-Cho.Shii-Cho failed when both sides had lightsabers as their weapon. Something better was needed that could counter the wild fashion of the first combat form. They needed a more organized and defensive form. So, the Jedi Order worked on it and developed the Second form of a lightsaber. After the second form, only a handful of Jedis practices Shii-Cho.

How to Practice Lightsaber Combat Form I

Shii-Cho involves basic lightsaber techniques, but a beginner like you needs to practice these too. This form has the ability to improvise, which allows the best lightsaber form combinations. If you want to learn how to fight with a lightsaber, you need to do Shii-Cho training that includes different Shii-Cho stances. The First lightsaber combat form includes 6 attack zones. The lightsaber forms are based on the following basics:

  • The first attack zone is the head. It includes keeping the lightsaber above or in front of your head. 
  • Attack zone 2, and 3 involves the left and right side of the torse. It involves a vertical parry in front of the chest with a lightsaber pointing on top of your head.
  • The 4th zone includes keeping the lightsaber’s handle on the backside of your head for a drop parry.
  • The 5th and 6th zone include keeping the lightsaber near your waist. It is also for drop parry. 
  • After learning parry zones, know that the basic attack will be at the right of the basic parry zone. That means Zone 1, the basic parry, will be downwards, while others will be horizontal. 
  • Always move forward when you attack. This form aims to dominate your opponent with a series of offensive blows. 
  • The Jedi code is to disarm your opponent, so disarm them with Sarlacc Sweep. It is a quick movement with tons of rapid blows that can even disarm multiple opponents. You can make the best lightsaber form combinations with this sweep. 

Who Used Shii-Cho?

Despite the weaknesses of the first lightsaber form, some Jedis prefer to use this form. Even the Jedis of the Old Republic have some Jedis who were practitioners of Shii-Cho. A famous name used Shii-Cho is Kit Fisto. Many Jedis learned this form and other forms, but it was the main form of Kit Fisto. According to him, the secret about how to fight with a lightsaber does not lie in any form. It lies in learning a lightsaber form and then mastering it to perfection with the best lightsaber form combinations. Kit Fisto was proficient with this form, and the master of the Shii-Cho stance. He almost killed Darth Sidious, as seen in Clone Wars. Meera Sutrik and the famous Obi-Wan Kenobi also used Shii-Cho. Obi-Wan mostly used some other form, but he used Shii-Cho when needed. The Jedis learn that if nothing works, Shii-Cho will work. We saw Obi-Wan using Shii-Cho in “Phantom Menace.” He stormed a series of strikes on Darth Maul and ultimately defeated him. Even Maul’s two blades failed against the unpredictable moves of Shii-Cho. For more details please head over to Lightsaber’s Collection and visit the elegant sabers from the best ONLINE Store.


1. What is the primary purpose of Shii-Cho?

Shii-Cho aims to provide beginners with a solid foundation in lightsaber combat.

2. How does Shii-Cho benefit a lightsaber practitioner?

It teaches essential attack and defense patterns crucial for further learning.

3. Is Shii-Cho effective against multiple adversaries?

Yes, its sweeping movements are designed to handle multiple opponents effectively.

4. Are there any specific weaknesses in Shii-Cho?

Its simplicity can be less effective against more skilled, single opponents.

5. Does mastery of Shii-Cho continue to benefit practitioners at advanced levels?

Yes, it reinforces fundamental skills and techniques critical in advanced combat forms.


In conclusion, Shii-Cho, the first form of lightsaber combat, is fundamental. It serves as the foundation for all subsequent forms. Beginners learn it for its basic movements and principles. Shii-Cho focuses on broad, sweeping strikes and strong defensive postures. Its simplicity makes it highly effective against multiple opponents. Mastery of Shii-Cho is essential, even as one advances. It ensures a strong combat base and readiness for more complex techniques.

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