Proto Saber Vs Lightsaber

A lightsaber is an elegant weapon used in the Star Wars galaxy. The lightsaber is famous among Star Wars fans because of its ability to cut, color, and all types. We all think there is nothing that can match the power of a lightsaber. 

There is another weapon in Star Wars which is a powerful lightsaber. You may have heard the word Proto-saber at least once in Star Wars. If not, read it to learn about Proto-Saber and the comparison between a Proto-Saber and a lightsaber. 


We know about lightsabers, but we know very little about lightsaber origin, where they came from, and what was the first lightsaber in Star Wars? Well, a Proto-Saber will give us answers regarding this topic.  

Proto-Sabers are ancient weapons used before the lightsabers. They are so old they existed in the Pre-historic era. Still, there is enough information about Proto-Sabers because they became an inspiration for today’s lightsabers.  

You can call a Proto-Saber the first lightsaber in Star Wars. This weapon was very similar to a lightsaber in its abilities and construction. A Proto-Saber emitted a plasma blade similar to a lightsaber. It had a hilt like a lightsaber and could cut almost everything just like a lightsaber. 

Proto-Saber was used by Je’Daii, the ancestors of Jedis and Sith Lords. The Je’Daii constructed Proto-Sabers in response to the rising threat. An advanced race known as Rakata was dominating the galaxy. They used a weapon called Force-Sabers. The Je’Daii took the idea of these Force-Sabers and constructed their own weapon.  

Proto-Sabers look very similar to a lightsaber, but they are different indeed. The Proto-Sabers did not have Kyber crystals fixed inside them. They also used external batteries to power their Proto-Sabers.  

So, I was wondering if these Proto-Sabers can really win against their advanced versions, lightsabers? Before we decide, let’s talk about the shortcomings of a Proto-Saber and why there was a need for a better version.

Limitations of a Proto-Saber 

A Proto-Saber began to show its weaknesses soon after its origin. As we know, these Proto-Sabers needed external batteries to emit a blade. These batteries were not advanced enough and had a short life. The chances were always high that it would run out of energy during the battle. 

Secondly, the Proto-Saber depended on an external cord to connect it with that external battery. This cord was always a hindrance during the combat. It restricted the movement of the Je’Daii. This cord could also get cut during a fight which would leave the Je’Daii unarmed in the fight. 

The Proto-Sabers emitted the blade, but that blade was not powerful enough. So, these Sabers were not very effective against the Rakatas, and something better was needed, which resulted in the modern lightsabers.  

Proto-Saber Real Life

A famous Youtuber “Hacksmith,” is on a mission to create real-life lightsabers. He is also the person who managed to create a real-life Proto-Saber.  

Hacksmith used the same science used in Star Wars to create the Proto-Saber. He built an electronic board and fixed it inside the hilt. He connected the hilt with a gas cylinder to get the energy. When he turned ON the switch, the electronic board drew gas and burned it, making it look like a blade. 

In another experiment, he used a metal road and used high voltages to heat the rod up, ultimately making it look like a blazing blade. Go to the below link for his detailed video. 


A lightsaber is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. It does not have the same weaknesses as a Proto-Saber. A lightsaber is more advanced and closer to perfection as compared to a Proto-Saber. 

A lightsaber runs on Diatium Power cells. These power cells are extremely powerful and can go on for more than two years without a recharge. These cells are also very small enough to easily fit inside the lightsaber’s hilt. So, the trouble of the cord was dealt with by these cells. 

The second important thing about lightsabers is Kyber crystals. These are natural crystals that are rare in the galaxy. These crystals are alive beings who feed themselves on Dark matter, so they never go low on energy. 

The function of the Kyber crystal is to magnify the power. These crystals draw the energy from Diatium power cells and enhance it at least 100 times fold. Thus, the heat of a lightsaber’s blade can reach up to 25000 degrees Celcius. That means it can quickly melt everything coming in its way. 

These crystals also limit the consumption of energy. If the lightsaber is not in use, the energy will not go out of the blade area. It would go back into the Diatium power cells. If the crystal doesn’t work properly, it will affect the blade’s pattern. As we know, Kylo Ren had a distorted blade pattern because of his cracked Kyber crystal.

Limitations of a Lightsaber

Indeed, the lightsaber can cut through most of the things present in the galaxy. However, it cannot cut through everything. Many materials or elements in the Star Wars galaxy are found to be resistible to lightsaber strikes.  

The lightsaber emits a high-temperature blade from 7000 C° to 25000 C°. Scientifically, any material with a higher melting point can resist a lightsaber. One such material is Phrik. Phrik is one of the few materials that a lightsaber cannot cut. We have seen the royal guards of Darth Sidious and Snoke using red armors of Phrik material.

Proto-Saber vs. Lightsaber

A Proto-Saber has no chance against a lightsaber in a fair and square fight. A lightsaber is certainly more potent because of its Kyber crystal. Secondly, it is more effective with the Force-Users because of no cord. A Jedi can push or pull his lightsaber using the Force to take advantage.  

A Proto-Saber is not made up of any lightsaber-resistant material either. So, the weakness of a lightsaber does not give any advantage to a Proto-Saber. Still, when two Force-users are fighting, you never know what kind of tricks they pull up to get a victory. 

Force Saber vs. Lightsaber

The Force saber was the weapon of the Je’Daii rivals, Rakata. This race was not Force-sensitive like Je’Daii, but they were more advanced in technology. They made the weapons with Force manipulation, like a Force saber. 

Rakatas had the technology to use Force alchemy to make their weapons. The Force sabers did not like look lightsabers. They appeared to have ancient weapons like swords, scythes, hammers, etc. Still, the blade of these weapons made my Force manipulations and looked like a lightsaber blade.  

A Force saber has very little chance to win against a lightsaber. Firstly, it was used by Non-Force users who are weak against a Jedi. Secondly, the blades made of Force were not as strong as a lightsaber’s blade. 

The Force sabers were not that powerful. Still, they were the first-ever weapon to appear in the galaxy. A Proto-saber was inspired by the Force saber, which ultimately evolved into modern lightsabers. 

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