Star Wars: Visions is the only series that is produced with a unique Japanese Anime-type theme. This 2D animated Star Wars series is not canon and does not flow with the main stories of Star Wars. However, Star Wars: Visions is one of the best series out there, with every episode focusing on different characters and different stories. Now we will discuss about Top 5 Visions Lightsabers. 

Like the unique artistic approach of Star Wars: Visions, the lightsabers of this series are also unique and reflect more of the Japanese style of lightsabers. The new Star Wars: Visions movie trailer has created the hype, and the lightsabers in the trailer were on a whole different level. So, those who haven’t watched the series and want to keep up with the movie may want to learn about the unique lightsabers of Star Wars: Visions. 

Here is a list of the top 5 Star Wars: Visions lightsabers. Out of many, these few lightsabers were exceptional and had been seen rarely in canon series. 

Star Wars Visions Lightsabers

The Lightsaber Whip

The lightsaber whip appeared in the episode “The Twins.” The story is about two twins Sith lords, with one turning back to Light Side. They both engaged in the duel and we get to see the lightsaber whip. The Sith lord wielded a lightsaber whip with a yellow blade. We have heard of the lightsaber whips, but it is the only time we actually get to see one.  

The lightsaber whip she wielded was nothing like regular lightsabers. Her lightsaber whip has many blades with a whip longer than any blade. She could increase the length of these whips as she wills. Although she failed against her twin brother, who wielded a standard blade, the lightsaber whips were quite a unique experience to watch.

The Lightsaber Dagger

If you watch the episode “The Elders.” you will see the lightsaber dagger. As the name implies, the lightsaber looks like daggers. The Sith lord in this episode wielded two red-colored lightsaber daggers. The shape of the daggers reflected the art of Japanese swords. The blades of the lightsaber dagger are longer than a normal dagger which almost makes them look like a lightsaber sword.  

The Lightsaber Sheath

The first episode of Star Wars: Vision is named “The Duel.” The episode pictures the story of a Jedi Samurai who went to a village to get his Droid charged. A Sith lord appeared during his stay, and both engaged in a duel.  

The lightsaber of the Samurai looked pretty normal standard type lightsaber, but there was one difference I could not help but notice. All the hilts are attached to the belts, and Jedis ignite them later. However, the Samurai pulls out his lightsaber like someone pulls a sword out of his sheath. Surprisingly, his lightsaber’s blade was already emitted when he pulled it out of the sheath.  

His lightsaber had a red blade which gave us the idea that he was not actually a Jedi. He could be a Sith, as there were thousands of them before the “Rule of the Two.” Nevertheless, he came forward to defend the villagers, fought against the Sith, and ultimately defeated her.

The Umbrella Blades Lightsabers

The other Sith lord who appeared in “The Duel.” episode had one of the unique lightsabers I have ever seen. The same type of lightsaber also appeared in the trailer of Star Wars: Visions.” movie. It is called Umbrella blades as this lightsaber has the appearance of an umbrella with many blades coming out of the emitter of the hilt. 

It was told later by the officials that every blade coming out is a separate standard lightsaber connected to a wooden rod with the contractions. These contractions were also the reason it appeared like an umbrella shape.  

All the blades were red colors, and the Sith lord was extremely skilled. Still, she lost to his opponent, who also appeared to be Sith with a standard-red blade. 

The Katana Blade

Rey Skywalker and the temple guards are not the only ones to wield standard yellow lightsabers. In the episode “The Village Bride.” A yellow-bladed lightsaber appeared with a unique ancient hilt design.  

The story is about an on-run Jedi who came to a Green world in response to the calling of his old ally. There she watched a village with strange customs and traditions. The village was under threat at the hands of a Warlord. In the end, the Jedi defend the village with her yellow lightsaber. Her lightsaber was as cool as Rey’s lightsaber and was a treat for the eyes to watch. 

I recommend you to watch the series for Star Wars Visions lightsabers. You may find more attractive and unique lightsabers in the series. You can also find these lightsabers at Zia Sabers. So, if you want one for yourself, you can explore our store right away. 

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